Are you noticing that you are feeling stressed lately or have felt stressed for a while? When you become stressed, the cortisol levels in your body elevate. The negative stimuli activate the "fight or flight" response internally, which can cause uncomfortable effects. For example, the "flight or fight" response can be triggered when your out at the after hour spot having a good time and accidently bump into someone who had a little to much to drink. The person you accidently bumped into now wants a physical confrontation because they felt you physically tried to intimidate them. Your decision to react (fight) or say' I'm sorry and walk away quickly to avoid confrontation (flight) is an internal stress response that happens during this uncomfortable stressful situation. Hopefully, you choose "flight" in my opinion the best option for stress management.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO). stress is the health epidemic of the 21st century. WHO mentioned, "stress resulting in illness is the causative factor underlying more than 70% of visits to the family doctor.
Today most of us find ourselves experiencing stress. Sometimes the pressure can be attributed to poor stress management strategies when dealing with difficulty or adversity in your life. Managing stress can help you lead a more balanced, healthier life.
What is stress?
Stress is an automatic physical, emotional, and mental response to an event that is challenging or adverse and counterproductive to how you conduct your daily life.
Well, think about it briefly and be careful what you wish for. Just as we need oxygen in the air we breathe to survive, pure oxygen will kill us. So it is with stress; we need some, but at what point does stress then becomes counterproductive and a destructive force in our lives?
During your daily activities, you are subject to stress all the time. For example, anxiety at work, stress with managing children, and high-pressure situations usually occur at the last minute, like a health emergency requiring immediate attention.
Not all stress is wrong. For example, you need some pressure at work to be productive. With it, you could sit down and do something. The buoyant force of stress can invigorate your life and push you to realize and work toward achieving your dreams.
Stress can be counterproductive. For example, too much pressure or a high-pressure situation like lacking the appropriate ability to perform on a job that outclasses your education level can be a complex adverse situation to manage.
Why am I getting so Stressed ?
In the work environment, you will find several individuals that handle the stress of work duties differently. For example, some workers make poor food choices because they feel their break time needs to be longer and will conform to the unhealthy fast food lifestyle (i.e., fried foods high in fats and carbohydrates that cause weight gain). Once you start to gain weight, you are faced with the stressful event of trying to lose weight, so the bathing suit fits just right for summer. Poor nutrition will further weaken your resistance to illness and allow other symptoms of stress to develop. It's a downward spiral.
Today's major stress issues are the uncertainty of society's continued existence.
For example, if the threat of nuclear or world war is imminent, the fuse can be lit by the slightest military error from the United States, Russia, or China. If atomic war occurs, there will be no system or future for anyone; this thought alone is highly stressful for young adults.
Your physiological response to stress manifest by producing stimulants and stress hormones that act as mood-altering devices that affect your physical and mental consciousness. Losing cognitive control when feeling tense all the time becomes the norm indicates that you are losing control and will find yourself uncomfortable, tired, and feeling ill.
According to The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), stress hormones can contribute to ulcers and other severe gastrointestinal problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Other issues you may experience due to high-stress levels are psychological problems like depression and anxiety.
What are serious signs of Stress?
Some serious signs of stress may not be noticeable at first, but If you start to recognize some of these symptoms, they may be signs that your stress levels are becoming serious. Listen to what your body is telling you :
– Upset stomach
– Stomach pains
– Loss of appetite
– Severe headaches
– Dizziness
– Irritability
– Nervous Tick or Blinking
– Insomnia
– Chronic fatigue
– Pain in the neck and shoulders and back
– Stiff neck and shoulders or back
– Teeth Grinding
– Poor focus and memory
How you feel can indicate signs of stress too, look for the following:
– Anxious
– Depressed
– Frustrated
– Hustled
– Overloaded
– Pressured
– Tense
– Worried
Identifying stress at the early stages makes it so much easier to treat. Good habits can be adopted to ensure that you have a good work/life balance and stress reduction becomes a manageable exercise.
Recognizing stress-related problems can help you develop a plan of action to act quickly on the issues resulting in intense stress levels. Learning ways to deal with stress can provide you with relief that can be instant and reduce anxiety and coping strategies that are sure-fire stress busters.
What are 8 Ways to deal with stress ?
Can you find stress-reducing ideas that are effective for stress management? The answer is Yes. First, look at the contributing factors to destressing. For example, your attitude regarding your life situation, your mood, do you have a pessimistic or optimistic way of handling challenging events in your life, and can your atmosphere assist with a defense that will help you repair stressful events? For example, if you have diabetes and your kitchen is loaded with unhealthy diabetic foods, this will not help with the stress associated with the discomfort of pricking your fingers to test your blood sugar level or reducing the prolonged damaging effects of diabetes. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol or taking drugs to deal with stress can be very damaging to your health in the long run. In mastering stress, you have to figure out what you are doing that contributes to your problem/challenge and change it. The four categories of change include: change your behavior, change your thinking, change your lifestyle choices, and/or change the situations you are in.
8 Ways to deal with stress that may be helpful to you !
1) Aromatherapy
A great way to rejuvenate your senses is through the use of Aromatherapy techniques. When we look at the benefits of Aromatherapy, we find Aromatherapy is a centuries-year-old practice of inhaling scent molecules from essential oils that travel olfactory nerves to the brain, impacting the amygdala, the emotional center of the brain
Popular organic scents provide a great way to diffuse during your daily activities. Frankincense has a Sweet 16 wood box gift set with 18 10-milliliter bottles of pure oils for Aromatherapy.
You can extend the benefits of Aromatherapy by using other products that contain the scents. These products might include a bath and shower gel, a moisturizing bath oil, a cleansing bar, body butter, moisturizing oil that can also be used as a leave-in conditioner, and scented candles. Even applying an aromatic lip balm can offer a way to destress.
2) Toning and Relaxation of the muscles
You must learn to systematically relax and tone the muscles in your body. This will keep you better equipped to deal with stressful challenges. Muscle relaxation techniques can calm your body, and most are simple.
The importance of Muscle tone in overall human function is essential to your body balance and
your ability to remain centered while at rest. Good muscle tone results from physical exercise that helps your body store energy. Compromised muscle tone can result in an uneven physical physique making your body prone to injury or muscular-skeletal stress.
Deep tissue massage is one great way to get muscles to relax. A muscle massage gun equipped to help relax all parts of your body (e.g., neck, arm, and leg) can be suitable for muscle relaxation and toning.
Sore muscle massage oil will make the massage experience more exhilarating by helping to soothe tense muscle during your massage. Aromatherapy muscle massage oils can help soothe tense muscle by adding scents that enhance the muscle massage experience.
3) Improved elimination of impurities from the body
When it comes to body detox you want something that will colon cleanse and supports healthy and regular bowel elimination. Detoxing helps removal of build-up in the gut and cleanse toxins and waste from you body. Your stomach health plays an important role in your help, when your stomach is not feeling right this causes stress to the body making you wonder what is wrong or why am I feeling bad. You may want to take a look at Dr. Tobias Colon Cleanse that supports stomach health.
Like all ways to reduce stress detoxing the body is encouraged in order to help you become the best version of yourself by improving digestive health, increase adsorption of essential nutrients that are essential to joint support, boosting energy, and help relief stress.
4) Better, deeper sleep at night.
A common complaint to co-workers nowadays is "I couldn't sleep last night, that's why I'm tired this morning". Most people express this feeling when they don't get a good nights sleep and usually work tired, cranky, and stressed at work.
The addition of stress when you lack sleep is bad enough in and of itself, but stress can also cause real physical and emotional harm if it is allowed to go unchecked due to lack of sleep. There are many drugs that are designed to reduce stress and the use of sleep aids seem to help with getting a good nights sleep. Sleep supplements that are gentle and organic are a safe way to improve your sleeping habits. For example, Luna is a soft non-addictive herbal sleep supplement that helps you establish better sleep habits and a more appropriate sleep schedule. Most of Luna's ingredients are known for their calming and soothing properties that can help you gain a healthy sleep cycle.
Aim of better sleep which will help reduce your stress levels and help you focus and promote relaxation.
5) Creativity
A great stress reduction and relaxation activity is to tap into your personal creativity to get away from the some of the non-sense of the world. This Hilarious Swear Word Coloring Book will make the perfect way to relieve stress with a hour to yourself at the end of the day.
Whether you are looking for something to relax with at the end of a long day or just want a fun way to embellish your mind and relieve stress, this is for you.
6) Stress relief supplements
Stress support supplements are a good way to help you manage high levels of stress. The idea of using stress relieving supplements is to find a powerful stress reliever that is not prescribed by a doctor.
Ashwagandha is a high-quality stress support supplement that is know to help the body support mental , physical and emotional stress. Ashwagandha is physician recommended.
There are many drugs that are designed to reduce stress, but is putting extra drugs and chemicals in your system really isn't the best way to balance things out? There is a better way to reduce stress in your life.
7) Yoga
One of the best and most tried and true ways for reducing stress is through meditation and yoga. Yoga and meditation can help you clear your mind, acting as a conduit to relax and help stress melt away. Though it may sound intimidating, because of stretching and compromising positions associated with success in yoga, you may find yoga challenging. Meditation has occurred in every culture in one form or another through out history.
Begin each relaxation time by reducing distractions, noise, and interruptions. Give yourself the time and privacy you need with something soft and easy to clean to perform your yoga/meditation on .
Find a comfortable sitting position, wear loose and comfortable clothing. Relax and take several deep breathes. Close your eyes and try to mentally focus on one peaceful word, thought, or image. If there is a picture, a memory, anything that tends to calm you, try to picture that. For some people it’s the sound of the ocean, for others waterfalls, and for yet others, the memory of staring off a mountain peak. Clear your head, and let your muscles loosen up, don’t worry about what is going on around you. Relax and enjoy the peace that your image brings to you.
8) Exercise
As you go into further into the top ways to reduce stress you will find exercise, can help you concentrate on building a healthy strong body that improves your mood, self-confidence, and self-image. There are various ways to exercise (i.e., running, weight lifting, yoga, and using exercise bands). Exercise bands are very important for home exercise, especially when you come from work and your looking to have a reasonable stress relief workout that does not require going to the gym, paying gym membership fees and coming back home. You may have a young family that requires your attention and you need to get a quick work out after dinner and a busy day on the job. The exercise band gym can be useful for exercise when you want to be home for the evening.
EVO Gym can help you gain strength, doing curls, squats, deadlifts, presses, shoulder exercises and the list goes on. The EVO Gym has great portability that allows you to workout right in front of the TV or in your favorite room in your house.
As you go into further into stress reducing ideas, try to stay away from the harm caused by alcohol, drugs, and concentrate on healthy stress reduction methods that help you relax. Good sleep, creativity, and exercise are pretty common ways to relieve stress. Most of us like a “Nice and easy,” good exercise system that can help you improve health, toning, and produce relaxation for a calmer stress free life. Hopefully, the Top 8 stress reducing ideas will help you reduce harmful stress, improve your mood and provide a stress reducing phase that works for you.